So many project undone. It's the time of the year when I just want to start something new. But there are all of these half-finished things to do. What to do?
A future glitter camper. I have a vision of a bowl of red coals over the light. I have the beads for the coals, just need to drill the container. Then add trees, snow, candy canes, glitter, sticks with marshmallows, and trim around the edge. The little hamster is just because he makes me laugh.One day is all it will take. And me figuring out how to drill a miniature metal bowl without taking out a finger.
Future quilt. I'd decided that I wasn't so happy with these blocks. But this morning, pulling them out for the photo, they looked pretty good. It's at the point where I have to lay them out and decide how to lay them out. DECISIONS = PARALYSIS.
Innumerable well-intentioned baby gifts for moms who don't mind little buttons.
A pillow that needs a bit more embroidery.
And many, many others. Not to mention the summer reading prizes!
You should also know that I'm no longer teaching the early morning class for church. So, other than that pesky full time job, a house, family, two more assignments for church, and community volunteer stuff, I have no excuse...
Nevertheless, I've checked out three quilting books out of the library for new quilts. And I've signed up for a tiny house swap. Because it's snowy, and it's Winter Olympics time, and it's time to dream of new things!