Happy Valentine's Day! Hope that you enjoyed some treats...
Man, I love Valentine's Day. I even managed to send a few cards out.
My apologies to all of my dear friends who didn't get one. There's really no excuse. I didn't really need to make cards this year. When I went hunting for envelopes to fit the black apple valentines, I found my stash of unsent cards from previous years.
Speaking of unfinished projects. Sheesh.
I couldn't find my decorations this year. But my house was covered in the best of decorations.
Snow! Lots and lots of snow! Thigh-high wade-in-to-fix-the-mailbox snow! The kind of snow that makes friends out of strangers. The kind of snow that allows colleagues at work to leave the office and help clean off the cars in the parking lot. The kind of snow that fills up your boots and clings to your mittens. I don't know why I love it so. Probably because a nice snow plow man cleans my driveway...
Snow, and cookies, and friends (and lots of fun gifts from my family). A truly happy day!